English Springer Spaniels
...proudly carrying on the Telltale legacy

Telltale Kennels, established in 1966, is one of the oldest kennels of English springer spaniels in the United States. Telltale dogs are known both nationally and internationally for their consistency to a specific breed type. We are proud of the fact that people everywhere can distinguish a Telltale springer. We strive to breed versatile, athletic dogs that are very much at home in both the conformation ring as well as the performance ring. Telltale springers make wonderful companions and can easily become your heart dog, as they are happiest in your lap.
The English Springer Spaniel is a sweet-faced, lovable bird dog of great energy, stamina, and brains. Sport hunters cherish the duality of working Springers: handsome, mannerly pets during the week, and trusty hunting buddies on weekends. - AKC.org